Sunday, March 15, 2009

Cutest kid on the planet!

Alright, so on Tuesday Nathans aunt Kristen and I took Nate to get some pictures done. Here is the link to view his pictures.

hopefully it works and you are all able to view the pictures and see for yourself just how cute Nathan is. Oh, and you will also see how much he loves his tongue!


pomai♥stephen said...

soo freakin cute!

Dan and Sherri Overton said...

Fine I caved to peer pressure. The blog is now current! As for the pics, he does love his tongue!!! He is like a mini Michael Jordan in the 80's! Remember how there was never a picture of him without his tongue out? We'll your baby is a little paler, and can't dunk a basketball, or walk for that matter yet, but other than that, the similarities are striking!

Dan and Sherri Overton said...

Who is the college grad that posted that last comment?! We'll and well are not the same word! Sorry David for offending the english language.