Friday, August 29, 2008

Why do these things always happen when David is gone?!

Yesterday, I was getting ready to leave, and Boris ran to the basement stairs and got into pounce mode. I was like, "silly cat, what are you doing", and then I walked over and looked. There was something looking up at both of us. Boris ran down the stairs and chased it into the corner. I came down with the camera, so I could have proof that these things only happen to me. There was a live bird in the basement. I don't know how long it had been there because I had not gone downstairs since David left on Tuesday. Also, I never saw Boris bring it in. He always likes to show off his "presents". Anyway, I had to chase this bird out of the house with a broom. Why can't these things ever happen when David is home? Well, I have a theory. I think David is sabotaging me. I think he sets these things up, just so he can hear the panicked phone call I will give him. Why else would these types of things only happen when he is gone?